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​The Basics

The Dance Studio offers wiggles and giggles, pre-dance, ballet, tap, jazz, hip hop, and modern classes for students ages 1.5 years to Adult. Please see the description of classes and our class schedule for more detailed information.​
Dress Code:​
Required dancewear and dance shoes must be worn to all classes. All dancewear can be ordered through the studio. Please see the dancewear page for specific class requirements.​
Recital Costumes:​
There are no extra fees for costumes for the Christmas or Spring recitals. Students provide their own undergarments and shoes.

Our December 2020 recital will be virtual. The last week of classes before Christmas break will be filming and the finished video  will be released on our website for viewing. Click here to see a preview of our Spring 2020 virtual recital.

Traditionally, the annual end-of year recital is set for the second weekend in June at Central High School. We are hopeful that we will be able to have an in-person recital in the spring. We will make that decision at a later date.


There are also various performance opportunities throughout the year of which you will be notified. Keep your eye on the events page for those dates. As always, there are no costumes to purchase or costume fees to pay for these recitals. Tickets must be purchased for the end-of year recital in June; though each family gets two free tickets! Tickets usually go on sale at the beginning of May.​

Vacation Days:​
During the school year, The Dance Studio is closed only when the public school system has a full closure. (Thanksgiving, Christmas Break, and Spring Break.) Please note that The Dance Studio remains open even when the schools are closed for in-service days or for parent-teacher conferences. When in doubt as to whether there are classes or not, please call.​

Care of Students:​
The Dance Studio is not responsible for providing before or after class care for students. Students are not to be left at the school for excessive time periods before or after class time. Your account may be charged an additional fee if your failure to pick up your child on time causes our staff to remain at the studio past their normal working hours. Students are not to leave the studio without a parent or other responsible adult. Please let the school know if a student has permission to leave the studio without a parent. The studio assumes no responsibility for any student once they have left the building.​

Attendance and Lateness:​
Children should arrive five minutes before their class starts. Students must be ready for class (bathroom, dressed, hair done, etc). The school reserves the right to have students who come late to class sit out the class. It is not safe for a student to participate in a class without having properly warmed up. Repeated lateness or absences may hinder the privilege of performing in the end of the year recital, especially if speaking or singing lines or dance solos are given.​
Make-up classes, withdrawals and refunds:
Missed classes may be made up within one month of the missed lesson, as long as the Studio was informed that the student would be absent. No refunds will be given. Contact the School for a make-up class schedule. A one-month written notice from the first of the month is required to discontinue any classes. Withdrawal forms may be picked up at the studio. Withdrawal must occur within the first 7 days of the month. Students withdrawing after March 7 will still be responsible for making payments through the end of the school year.

To withdrawal from classes, a parent or adult student must:
1. Inform the school, and
2. Complete and sign a withdrawal form provided by the studio.
After the one-month period, automatic withdrawal from checking accounts will be discontinued.

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