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Wiggles and Giggles & Baby Ballerinas

Wiggles & Giggles (18 months to 3 years): Participate with your toddler in  moving, dancing, singing, listening, and playing while developing a strong bond with your child. Through activities that bridge the natural connection between music and movement, your child's musical aptitude and listening abilities are enhanced and further developed.


Baby Ballerinas (2.5 years to 3.5 years) This class is for the little one ready to dance on their own, but not quite old enough for pre-dance. Parents are welcome to dance along if they wish.


(Ages 3 to 5)
This class teaches the young dancer to identify basic forms of movement through imaginative games, songs, music and rhythmical patterns, as well as encouraging taking turns and directions from the instructor. Youngsters learn the basics of dance in a fun-filled environment with activities geared toward their age level and attention span.



In Person Classes
At The Dance & Fitness Studio, we believe in "Providing students of all ages the skills to enjoy dance and fitness for a lifetime." We want to provide this service regardless of a family's financial status. To make dance available to everyone, the studio offers multiple opportunities for reduced or absolved tuition. These opportunities range from helping with studio maintenance, cleaning, sewing costumes, and trading for services or products, among other things. Please fill out our  tuition assistance application form if you are interested and a member of our staff will contact you.
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